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What is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is paying attention on purpose to the present moment non-judgmentally. We intentionally choose to focus our attention on whatever we are experiencing in the moment with a sense of curiosity.

“It’s a way of being in wise relationship to experience as you find it, and that means pleasant, unpleasant, and even neutral stuff that you never bother to notice because it doesn’t seem to have a big effect on you“ - Jon Kabat-Zinn – Founder of Mindfulness Stress Reduction Program

Types of Mindfulness practices

Like with any skill, practice is key to mindfulness, it can be nurtured through strengthening our awareness using established techniques. While there are many different forms of mindfulness, a few examples are below, in our courses we explore each practice in-depth to experience mindful awareness.

  • Meditation - This tends to be the first thing most people will think about when they hear mindfulness. The classic seated meditation pose, while this is indeed an advanced form of mindfulness, the majority of people will not regularly practice in this way. Mindfulness meditation can be practiced in a variety of ways seated, moving or lying down.

  • Taking a moment – Perhaps the most common and understated mindfulness practices are those brief moments of pause we can incorporate into our daily life. Taking a moment to stop and appreciate a view while walking or separating yourself from your phone for a minute and really enjoying your morning coffee with no distractions.

  • Mindful Movement Practice - Mindfulness can also be merged into other practices you may already do i.e. yoga, running, or other sports

What are the benefits of Mindfulness?

The benefits of Mindfulness are varied and can have an infinitely positive impact on our lives. Below are a few of the benefits regularly shared with us:

benefits of Mindfulness, Joy of Mindfulness, Mindfulness Health Benefits illustration, benefits of mindfulness image

Is mindfulness right for you?

Mindfulness itself can be hugely beneficial for everyone.

Making your first steps in mindfulness should be done with a trained professional to help you along the journey. You should treat your mind the same as your body and just like it isn’t recommended to start weigh lifting without a personal trainer it is similar that it is safer to be guided through mental growth by a professional.

We offer a free consultation call to all prospective trainees to make sure that our courses are right for you. Contact Us or see course information to find out more. Alternatively email us on info@joyofmindfulness.com if you have any questions.


Laughter Yoga

Laughter Yoga movement originated in India in 1995 and was founded by Doctor Madan Kataria. We prefer practicing in groups, either online or in person Laughter Yoga in the Algarve, Portugal.

Laughter Yoga is a combination of deep breathing exercises from yoga and laughter exercises, which oxygenates our body and brain improving our overall well-being.


We offer Mindfulness courses which provide personalised mindfulness training in a structured and supportive environment. We also provide MBCT-L Courses & laughter yoga classes in the Algarve and online